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Music for the soul

When you feel low or need to get motivated I bet you turn the radio up and sing along! I know I do! I even have a sing a long playlist just for those moments! Music has a way of talking to everyone, young and old!

Why is music so important to children's development?

It has be showed time and again that music helps learning. Just think about the Moo Music songs or nursery rhymes or even radio adverts which get stuck in your head! You have learnt them by heart without as much as a struggle!

Children are the same however you don't want them to be sitting down and learning, you want and they need to be able to move around, explore, discover and have fun so musical fun is perfect for that.

The learning which is cleverly hidden with catchy Moo Music songs, means they learn without thinking about it. Children are remembering the actions, dance, props and words that go with the songs indicates they are expanding their memory too! Add in the fact they are concentrating and you are on to a winner!

Here is just some of the reports and articles on how Music helps learning: (I can not be held responsible for external links and it is not an endorsement of the site's legitimacy that is for you to make up your own mind! They open in a new window!)

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