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5 Simple Ways to Have Music Time at Home

Music is important to every child's development. Research has shown that music stimulates every area of a child's brain. So how do you incorporate it into everyday life?

Well for me and my daughters, it mainly involves singing your heart out in the car to Disney, nursery rhymes, Moo songs or church hymns my eldest has learnt at school this week. The car is a great place to let your inhibitions go and sing. Whether you are singing to soothe, pass the time or enjoyment it doesn't matter.

My eldest daughter loves me singing Hush little baby (extended version) after storytime, before bed. I have sung this song at this time for so long it's natural to break it out and those who would look after her on our rare night outs, when she was younger were expected to know it too! Although it's losing its appeal to her now slowly after 5 years. My youngest also enjoys music to fall to sleep too(plus chatting herself to sleep)!

Those moments when nothing appears to be working to soothe my little one's angst I sing, anything not even songs just singing what I'm trying to do. It normally calms the whole situation down and eventually she calms too. (Warning this may work better with one parent overtime.)

Sing a long time. Looking for something random to do on a wet day. Tidy those toys away turn some music on and dance and sing a long. Even little ones will learn to dance especially if you stick to one or two songs. Ours currently is the wheels on the bus whilst sat on the bottom step. Smallest doing her best to match the sounds whilst doing the actions!

Have a music toy box. Reserve some extra special musical instruments into one box that you pull out at certain times for little ones to engage with. Whether this be early morning to pass some time before the day starts (warning neighbours might not like this too much on a Sunday) or just randomly. Maybe consider an Afuche-Cabasa, a Guiro, a wood block or a thunder spring drum for those extra sensory moments. 

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